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StatementReader: Support best practice

You may have gathered that we love serving our users with fast and personal support; and since most people have to support someone in their role, their colleague, intern, or client, here’s some of our favourite tips and reminders, opening the door on how on how we meet the high standards we set for ourselves:

Offer more tips - Answering questions that users didn’t know they could ask us is a memorable support encounter, for all the right reasons, and this can be achieved as simply as some tips in our signature.

Follow up - In Mail on Apple macOS 'smart mailboxes' offer the opportunity to quickly configure a dynamic view of your mail. So we created one called 'supported' to remind us of all the emails sent or received in the past 2 weeks, excluding subscriptions and certain non-support email accounts ; then we check it once a week to ensure any necessary followups are done promptly.

Streamlined invoicing - Quick and efficient invoicing is the root of painless billing enquiries; we use Quickbooks, PayPal and PayPal IPN to implement a seamless tracking system to bill and reconcile new requests for StatementReader credit, that way, when a query arises, we know how to find the relevant documents straightaway.

Solve other problems - Speaking with clients and learning about the challenges they are facing, often ends with us solving new problems together; recently this lead to a new application called FileLister, which is a desktop icon for dragging folders onto in Windows; once the user drags a folder onto it Excel opens with a list of every file inside that folder with their directory, size, modified/created/opened dates.

Teaching to fish - When we create a new bank template or extract a PDF into Excel, we always take the opportunity to send them the steps that we followed, as well as the transactions in Excel, for a complete answer.

Evernote templates - Some situations are similar, so we use Evernote to ensure we offer the latest, most complete tips and tricks, and save time so we can scale our support and help more users faster.

As you’d expect, helping our clients to grow is only part of the story, here’s some of the things we’ve heard and learned, to apply in the coming weeks:

Video responses to support questions, less than 1 minute, picture-in-picture mode for personal connection, hosted for easy forwarding to colleagues

Next, “Book a training call from our homepage” from our signature

Here's an example of one of our training videos, showing how to create a bank statement template with StatementReader:

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